HVAN is a networking platform that aims to bring together heritage vehicle apprentices across the U.K.

This latest initiative to gather apprentices from around the country for networking has been supported by the Federation Skills Trust and the Heritage Skills Academy among others.
Recognising the lost opportunity whereby apprentices form strong bonds with others in their individual cohort, but miss out on connecting with others from different cohorts, a group of apprentices formed The Heritage Vehicle Apprentice Network to address the problem.

In the words of Joe Mellor (Tim Walker Restorations), secretary of the event:
"The first HVAN event was a great success - We had nearly 30 apprentices arrive in an eclectic mix of cars, which acted as a great icebreaker to encourage mingling and networking.
We enjoyed an inspirational speech from Simeon Cattle (managing director of Classic Project shop) and also enjoyed tea, coffee and cake!"
Check them out:
