Zack Whyte

Zack Whyte
When AJ Glew was contacted by Heritage Skills Academy asking if it would like to help with an apprentice, the company jumped at the chance, having had “many an engineer come through our doors not understanding how vintage and veteran cars work”. What better way, it thought, than to train the dying skills of mechanical engineering itself to an eager young apprentice...
At this stage, Zack had just left the Army after four years and had found himself at a bit of a loss as to what to do. He started working for AJ Glew even before his training course started and showed he had the drive and passion to want to learn new skills. He was given small jobs to do on his own and completed them to a high standard and in good time. Over the past couple of years doing his block release at the college his knowledge and skills have developed showing that the modern apprenticeship really does have its place in the manufacturing sector.
As the Great Western Section of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiast Club commented when they awarded Zack their 2018 Apprentice of the Year Award:
"Zack has been with AJ Glew for over 2 years and was formerly with an armoured division in the British Army. He demonstrated tool making skills and constantly researches the vehicles he is working on as they are usually of historical importance. He is attending the Heritage Skills Academy at Bicester. This was the first of 2 awards that Zack would receive at the show.
Susan Glew accepted the award on behalf of Zack's employer. This was the second time that the Great Western Section had made the award to A J Glew, the first time being in 2017. Their commitment to preserving and developing the necessary skills to keep historic vehicles on the road is to be applauded."